Introducing FUN.HTML: an easy (and fun) way to build a simple HTML page and put it on the web.
Many web projects are complicated, with multiple dependencies. FUN.HTML is simple for anyone to try, whether you're a beginner or an expert.
Creating your own FUN.HTML is easy:
Once you've opened your FUN.HTML file in a text editor, you can edit the content by adding and editing HTML.
Add paragraph text using this HTML:
<p>Add paragraph text like this.</p>
Here's the HTML for adding an image:
<img src="rainbow.jpeg" />
Add a hyperlink (and link back to this FUN.HTML page):
This website was made with FUN.HTML
This website was made with
<a href="">FUN.HTML</a>
Here's what others have done with FUN.HTML:
Hi! I'm Justin Jackson. I've been making fun stuff on the web since 1993. These days, I'm helping people start a podcast with