Introducing FUN.HTML: an easy (and fun) way to build a simple HTML page and put it on the web.

Many web projects are complicated, with multiple dependencies. FUN.HTML is simple for anyone to try, whether you're a beginner or an expert.

How to install FUN.HTML

Creating your own FUN.HTML is easy:

  1. In your web browser (Chrome, Safari, Firefox) go to the File menu and select Save Page As.... You can also download it as a zip file:
  2. Open the FUN.HTML file in a text editor (TextEdit on Mac, Notepad on PC)
  3. Edit the HTML to make FUN.HTML your own.
  4. To put it on the web, save your HTML as index.html, and move it into a folder called FUN and drag and drop it onto Netlify. (If you're a pro, upload it to your own web server)

What can you do with FUN.HTML?

Once you've opened your FUN.HTML file in a text editor, you can edit the content by adding and editing HTML.

Add paragraph text using this HTML:

<p>Add paragraph text like this.</p>

Here's the HTML for adding an image:

<img src="rainbow.jpeg" />
Man in a rainbow

Add a hyperlink (and link back to this FUN.HTML page):

This website was made with FUN.HTML

This website was made with 
<a href="">FUN.HTML</a>

Show me your FUN.HTML

Here's what others have done with FUN.HTML:

Who's behind FUN.HTML?

Hi! I'm Justin Jackson. I've been making fun stuff on the web since 1993. These days, I'm helping people start a podcast with